When am I able to drive?
I’m happy for you to drive one month after surgery, as long as there have been no complications, and you are feeling alert and focussed. Make sure that you are able to get into and out of the car safely and easily. Do an emergency stop on a quiet road, and avoid the rush hours!
Failed Hip Surgery & suffering with pain after a hip replacement
Hip surgery is usually very successful, and most patients are delighted with the outcome of their operation. Pain after hip replacement/resurfacing surgery is not uncommon, and it usually goes away after a few months. If it persists, this indicates that there might be a potentially serious problem. Click to read more
Sex after Hip Surgery
This has been a bit of a taboo subject for patients and surgeons alike. Most surgeons would advise that it is safe to have sex six weeks after a hip replacement, but care should be taken to avoid extreme movements and positions. Click to read more
What about work?
Most people return to work after 2-3 months. My advice is to take off as much time as you are able so that you hit the ground running! If it’s possible, a phased return to your normal routine is a good option. You will feel tired for several weeks after surgery, and your ability to concentrate and make complex decisions is imparied for a few weeks.