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Sex and hips (again)!

Rowan Pelling has written an excellent article in the Daily Telegraph about the benefits of remaining sexually active in middle and later life. We have done some research on the problems that some people have with sex because they have a painful hip, or are worried about what might happen to their hip replacement. Having a hip replacement definitley improves your sex life, so don’t delay that decision to have surgery! Any questions? Please get in touch.

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If you would like to discuss your hip treatment options with Jeremy Latham please get in touch…
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Jeremy Latham
Hip Surgeon

02380 258402
02380 258446
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Types of treatments available at Latham Hip Surgery
  • Treatments
  • Hip Replacement

    Total Hip Replacement or THR is one of the most successful hip operations in orthopaedic surgery. Tens of thousands of hip replacements are performed each year…

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  • Hip Resurfacing

    Hip resurfacing was developed to treat painful arthritis in younger and active patients. It’s now an established technique, and the results are usually excellent in carefully selected patients…

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  • Revision Hip Surgery

    Hip replacement surgery can be life changing for those dealing with pain on a daily basis. Unfortunately, even a replacement hip can wear out…

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  • Hip Replacement

    Total Hip Replacement or THR is one of the most successful hip operations in orthopaedic surgery. Thousands of hip replacements are performed each year…

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  • Hip Resurfacing

    Hip resurfacing was developed to treat painful arthritis in younger and active patients. It’s a relatively new technique, but the results are usually excellent…

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  • Revision Hip Surgery

    Hip replacement surgery can be life changing for those dealing with pain on a daily basis. Unfortunately, even a replacement hip can wear out…

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